
Looking for attractive locations to invest in public charging stations for electric vehicles
"Enefit" invites cooperation from businesses with available space for such infrastructure.
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5 myths about changing the electricity supplier
The transition from the monopoly electricity market to the liberal one gives much more value to the consumer. One of the main components of this process is the freedom to choose an independent electricity supplier. True, we notice that this change is still enveloped by many myths and doubts. Therefore, we have decided to break down the most popular myths about liberalization of the energy market and help you make the best decision.
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How to get support for a solar power plant?
The submission of applications for support for the installation of a solar power plant has already started and will be open in total until 30 April. I don’t know if such calls will happen again this year, so this is a great opportunity to rush and take advantage of it.
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Expert's answer for the hesitant: what does the payback of the solar power plant depend on?
More and more individual consumers of electricity in Lithuania are interested in the possibilities offered by solar energy — especially since the state is providing support for the installation of solar power plants again. There are still a number of myths related to solar energy production, which often make people hesitate when deciding to install a solar power plant on the roof or on the plot near their homes. As the head of the independent energy supplier "Enefit" Vytenis Koryzna says, many of these myths have no substantiation, so it is important to be guided by facts and already accumulated experience.
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