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green electricity business clients

By increasing the number of green energy users, we are enhancing the share of renewable energy and contributing to the achievement of climate neutrality goals.

By 2050

achieving climate neutrality

We supply electricity generated from renewable sources in the Baltic States.

2.3 TWh

electricity portfolio

This is the amount of electricity we sell in Lithuania. Across the Baltics, we sell the largest volume of electricity (7,76 TWh).

Electricity for business

Choose the right electricity plan

Electricity supply solutions tailored to company needs, based on energy consumption analysis, will help reduce bills and manage the budget.

Renewable energy solutions for business

Generate your own electricity and reduce costs

Solar panels are the best way to start producing 100% clean energy yourself, save on electricity costs and increase your business competitiveness.

With a battery - even more beneficial.

Electric car charging for business

Smart charging solutions

Choose between renting or buying a charging station and use the ever-expanding Enefit Volt charging network.